Transparency Code
I can confirm that Rope Parish Council do have a website which is maintained and publishes electronically all the information required by the Local Government Act as follow:
Transparency Code
For Councils with income and expenditure not exceeding £25k in order to comply with the Transparency Code the following information is available on Rope PC website -
- The Council’s Annual Return including bank reconciliation and explanation of significant variances.
- All Council agendas and papers
- Minutes or draft minutes within one month of the meeting
- All items of expenditure of £100 or more
- A list of the Councillor’s responsibilities
- Details of any land or buildings owned by the Council
Post Audit, Rope PC also publishes the following:
- Certificate Of Exemption
- Annual Internal Audit Report
- Section 1 – Annual Governance Statement
- Section 2 Annual Governance Statement
- Analysis of variances
- Bank Reconciliation
Notice of the period for the exercise of public rights and other information required by Regulations 15 (2) Accounts and Audit Regulation 2015